Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Friends

I try and keep the most brilliant friends I can. :)

This is my friend Chris's newest work. I can't wait to see it. Tell your friends!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Terri Made Me Laugh

More Video:

This is a literal interpretation of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' video for Under the Bridge.

Check out Dusto McNeato's page for more literal viddies.

Terri just sent me another...

Okay, I have to add this. Just for "pipe wrench fight". I think there's some t-shirt purchasing going to happen...


Every Day Fiction made it just in time for the holidays!

Their anthology is available:

The Best of Every Day Fiction 2008. It's 100 flash fiction stories. (Four of them are mine.)

There are hardcover and paperback editions.

I think they look cool. And I know the stories inside are good. I've read them.

I highly recommend this compilation of diverse stories. Click the pic, read what the editors have to say about their book and about flash fiction. It would seriously make a great gift. I'm getting one for myself.

And I'll be somewhere in Vancouver next month signing copies! I don't have the details yet, but I'll post them when I know.

Yay, EDF!

It's the Anarchist in Me

Every now and then I try and wake up. When I start to, I want to rouse everyone sleeping beside me. I think it's so someone will make coffee before I get out of bed.

So this is for coffee:

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


It's probably not a word. At least, not in the traditional sense. But in my world any word's possible.

My story, Uninventing the Internet, hit the internet today. Hmmm....

It's one of those fantastical comedies with a drop (maybe a dram) of tweaked history. Maybe. Who's to say, really? It's so easy to make up the truth.

Anyway, it's about a couple of genius pals who change the world. And then change it back.

If you've got a few minutes, please check it out.

This story marks one year of my writing appearing at EDF every month. That is a tremendously big deal for me. Twelve stories in a row. (And be on the lookout for number 13!)

This just in:

I will be attending Every Day Fiction's release party (book signing? what are they calling that?) for their soon to be released anthology, The Best of Every Day Fiction 2008. They're holding it on the 24th of January in Vancouver, BC. If you're up here in the North, it's most likely going to be a tremendously awesome event that you will not want to miss. Hopefully I'll see you there.

At any rate, it'll be great for me to meet Jordan, Camille, and Steven, the peeps behind the scenes of the zine. AND a bunch of writers that I love and admire!

Details to follow.

So please give my story a read, and as always, I'd appreciate knowing what you think of it.

Have rad days and thanks for reading!!