Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Oh, The Horror of it All....

Today my story, The Hero and the Horror appears at Every Day Fiction. It's a fun little story that people seem to like. Maybe you will. Please check it out if you get a chance.

In other writing news, EDF has given me an author forum at their forums. This is a place for people to come and talk to me about stuff. If you've got some stuff to talk to me about, please come by and do so.

AND Every Day Fiction has agreed to publish two more of my flash stories. Be on the lookout for Mail, and To Save the Disco, which will be coming along in the next couple of months. I'm writing a lot of flash lately, and I'll have more to send to EDF soon. My goal is a solid year of monthly stories there. We'll see how I do. Seven so far...

Thanks for reading, everyone. Have a great day.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Yesterday Was May Day!

I'm a sucker for the ancient "pagan" holidays. The newish paganish holidays, too. (April 20th is a good example of those.) But yesterday was May Day, and that's an awesome day. Usually I bake a loaf of bread for the occassion, but I haven't had time or energy the past few days for May Day preparation.

So I started the day with my traditional coffee and cigarette on the porch in the sun, and thanked the world for Spring. I imagined May Poles, and Wicker Men, virgins in white gowns with flowers, Pan, and some heathery highlands. I used my tobacco like it should be used. I took love from the sun (and gave some back) and thanked it for tending to its system. I thanked the Earth for maintaining life. It's pretty much my typical "thank you for this day and its blessings" ritual, but with a little extra, "THANK YOU for renewal."

Yesterday was a good day.

The table of contents came out at Every Day Fiction:

May's Table of Contents

May 1 Gianna De Persiis Vona Pink Taffeta
May 2 Mark Dalligan Alone
May 3 Oonah V Joslin The Heron
May 4 Patrice Horwitz A Present Past
May 5 Nicholas Ozment The Man Who Loved Squirrels
May 6 Kevin Shamel The Hero and The Horror
May 7 Angela Carlton The Beach Cottage
May 8 Bill West Winding Down to Retirement
May 9 Rachel Green Coming of Age
May 10 Ty Johnston The Note
May 11 Diane D. Gillette Wilted Blossoms
May 12 Frank Roger Working Like A Dog
May 13 William I Lengeman III The Day Michael Flew
May 14 Brett J Cryer Can You Dig It?
May 15 Melissa A. Bartell Waspish
May 16 Heather Kuehl Fire and Brimstone
May 17 Greta Igl The Burning Black
May 18 K.J. Young Paroxysm No More
May 19 Gustavo Bondoni In Search of the Bush
May 20 Bill Ward Priority Won
May 21 Kim McDougall Twenty-five Prayers
May 22 Alexander Burns Aftershocks
May 23 Ryan P. Standley Final Moments
May 24 James C. Clar A Casualty of the Truth
May 25 David Macpherson A Walk in the Cities
May 26 L.E. Elder The Hit
May 27 Joel Willans One Bright Moment
May 28 Vijayendra Mohanty Arrow’s Way
May 29 Hasmita Chander A Dog’s Life
May 30 Deven D Atkinson All That Glitters
May 31 Sarah Hilary Mug’s Game


Every Day Fiction gave me my own Author's Forum! Isn't that just the coolest thing? It's a place where people can talk to me about the stories they've read. I'm sure it'll be more than that, but so far, that's what I've thought about. I love it. THANK YOU to EDF for this opportunity. You can see it here: Kevin Shamel's Forum. Please come and talk to me about what you've read.

Yay for May Day!